It certainly is convenient to have ‘reservations’ everywhere, but one of the best parts of traveling in an RV is flexibility and NOT being tied down to a specific location.
Whether your ‘just trying to get there’ or trying to save on campground costs, parking on the side of the road and crashing for the night in-between locations is an excellent option. This is referred to as: Boondocking.
- Casinos – Some casinos allow free overnight parking for motorhomes. A good resource to locate them is Casino Camper.
- Truck Stops – Many truck stops will let you stay overnight for free. To locate these see Truck Stop Locations.
- – Another resource for free overnight parking is They also offer a mobile app for your convenience.
- – Free overnight parking on private property. $
- Harvest Hosts – Free overnight camping at wineries, farms, and agri-tourism sites.
Super Easy Option:
Check out Walmart! Yes, you read that right – Walmart is not only the place for camping essentials, it’s also the best-kept “secret” in free overnight camping. Many Walmart locations across the country allow motor-home campers to stop overnight (free!) in their parking lots.
How to find the Walmart locations along your route? Here are two helpful links to make things easy:
- Walmart Stores That Provide Overnight RV Camping – There are plenty of Walmart stores that DO allow overnight RV parking, and you can find a state-by-state directory of those locations here. Because you are all great “citizens of the road”, we know you’ll follow camping etiquette, no matter where you stop. Here are some things to remember, however, when you’re pulling into a Walmart “campsite”:
- This is “dry camping”, so there won’t be electricity, water or dump stations available while you’re there. You’ll need to find a dump station elsewhere (you may want to check out for this), as well as filling water tanks and using your own generator. Seems obvious, but it’s always worth mentioning.
- Park only in the spaces designated for RV parking. You should always double-check with the store ahead of time, so you aren’t rudely awakened by a security guard!
- To benefit RVer’s world-wide, always leave your campsite clean, whether in a Walmart parking lot or at an exclusive resort. Blowing trash from motorhome campers could shut down this generous benefit from Walmart.
- Walmart Stores That Do Not Provide Overnight Camping – Not all Walmart locations allow overnight RV parking. You can use this link to find stores that don’t offer this service. Please keep our public image shiny by respecting the policies of these stores.
DISCLAIMER/WARNING: While free overnight stays at Walmart may be something that may seem attractive, always check with the store to see if they allow camping. In addition, in some cities/states, it is illegal.